How It Works?

The ability to create a documentary film of your life’s tale is one of the most valuable things we provide. The film, directed and produced by one of our filmmakers, is far from a self-aggrandizing effort. Recording your life story and your family’s history, on the other hand, is a gift to future generations.
Your struggles, accomplishments, and ideals are eloquently conveyed in the film, grounding your children and grandkids in your lived experience. By imparting your life lessons to your heirs, you can aid in the formation of their identity and prepare them to be responsible stewards of your name and fortune. Your legacy can serve as the cornerstone for a dynasty, even if you never meet the next generation. And it all starts with you and your story.
You and your family are invited to watch the Osm Legacy video.

Filmmaking is divided into three phases: pre-production, production, and post-production. To put it another way, planning, filming, and editing. Please review this overview of the filmmaking process and explore the discussion points to help us in getting started on your legacy video.

How Legacy Video works by Raymond Torres.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the most important pre-production considerations:

1. In your Legacy Film, who will be featured?

Who can assist us in telling your tale besides you, the main topic of our film? Consider family members, childhood pals, and business partners who have been a part of your path. While there is no ideal amount of interviewers for your Legacy Film, we’ve found that two is a good starting point.

2. Where will we conduct our interviews with them?

What are the locations of the interviewees? Do you have an event or a family gathering planned where they will congregate? Are there any specific locations or settings that interviewees should be aware of? Interviews take place in the comfort of the interviewee’s home. It’s their house. For an additional cost, we may accommodate a studio.

3. When will the interviews be filmed?

We’d prefer to tape the interviews as close together as possible to keep the production on track. First, we recommend that you discuss the interviewee’s involvement in your Film Legacy with them directly. We’ll contact them once they’ve consented to explain the procedure and set up filming dates.

4.What will your Legacy Film’s main focus be?

Is there anything in particular about your life that you’d like us to focus on? You might find it beneficial to reflect about your life in chronological order. To help you arrange and highlight major events, milestones, breakthroughs, turning points, and disappointments, use a timeline.
You can accomplish this in writing or by speaking with your Chapter Chair or Legacy Film Producer personally.

5. Archival Sources

We ask that you send us your favorite family albums, movies, and any relevant photographic material to help us depict different areas of your life.

Points to remember while filming your Legacy video:

We are seasoned professionals that will walk you through every step of the way. Although each interviewee will go through the material and questions ahead of time, your Legacy Film interview will be more like a casual chat. 

What do you need to prepare for the interview?

The interview places will be chosen by the producer to be calm and devoid of any possible natural light disturbance. If there are large repairs underway, a gardener cleaning leaves, or an airport nearby, please let us know. Furthermore, the producer will discuss the background selection with you because it should say something about the interviewee whenever possible.

Can you be involved with the editing of the legacy video?

In post-production, you can participate as much or as little as you like. If you appreciate the editing process and want to be a part of it, you are welcome to join us via zoom at any time. Alternatively, we can offer you links to examine and comment on the project before we finish the edit. You will have the ability to help with  editing your Legacy video.

How long do you think the interviews will take?

We ask that you set aside at least 4 hours for the staff. We usually need an hour for the interview and another 30 minutes for b-roll and cutaways. We’ll also want some more time to set up and configure the equipment. Secondary interviews with folks you’ve invited to assist you in telling your narrative will typically last one hour to ten minutes, plus set up time.

What should you wear in front of the camera?

Warm hues that jump on screen, such as teal, blue, purple, and coral, are recommended. Avoid wearing white, bright red, or all-black clothing since they can cause technical difficulties. Checks and stripes should be avoided since they might be distracting. We also don’t recommend wearing dangly jewelry because microphones will pick up and magnify metallic noise.

Ready to get your legacy video?